Some wallpapers are designed for multi-monitor setups and it's annoying to crop them into two images for use with xfdesktop. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3.
I would also like to see this implemented
i agree, this would be nice. but please do not break the things as they are now (every screen idividually configurable) ;-)
Please don't clutter bugzilla with "me too" posts. If you want to show support for a particular bug, vote for it.
Implemented, though with some limitations: * Only works with xinerama (no standard multiscreen). * Will likely look pretty funny if the resolution isn't the same on all monitors. This is potentially fixable, but only with redoing most of what I just did and making the implementation rather inelegant. * Will break if it ever becomes possible to change xinerama config without restarting X, or if you can have mixed multiscreen/xinerama setups.